What Sustainability Means to Us at Sian Marie

What Sustainability Means to Us at Sian Marie

Today is Earth Day, a day dedicated to not only appreciating mother nature but also promising to do better for our planet. With that, we wanted to share the steps we here at Sian Marie take to look after our home, Earth.

As a clothing brand, we realise our responsibility to combat the industry of fast fashion and environmentally harmful business practices. Our ethos is not just about making you look good but feel good too and that means guaranteeing our clothes are made and produced as sustainably as possible.   


Our products are made with high quality fabrics and craftsmanship, ensuring that our pieces are durable enough to last a lifetime. During a time where brands use low quality materials and make clothes for a one-time-wear, we hope to be an example of the importance of long lasting garments. Our clothes are not made to wear once and throw away; they’re meant to make memories in - to cherish forever.  


We produce smaller batches of product and limited edition drops which ensure we have as little leftover inventory or waste as possible . We want every single one of our pieces to find someone that will wear it and love it! 


With versatile as well as staple pieces, our garments are made to be worn all year round - mix and matched depending on the weather or what type of look you are going for. Instead of following quick trends to discard once ‘out of fashion’, we take inspiration from classic and simple yet beautiful designs that can be styled in many different ways.     

We understand how the environment is an important pillar that intersects every part of our health and wellbeing - all things that are key in our desire to create a supportive community here. 

Happy Earth Day from us at Sian Marie, and we hope today serves as a reminder to take care of the Earth with love not just today but everyday!

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